Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems) Read online

Page 8

  Her breath quickened as the fabric slipped deep inside her wetness and up the crack of her ass before it finally broke free.

  “Lie back on the couch again,” he ordered and she breathlessly obeyed his obvious demand. As she lay splayed on the couch, wonderfully expectant and exposed, she was sure that she would finally put his cock deep inside her…finally he would give her what she wanted the most. Instead, she felt his knees on each side of her face….straddling her.

  “Open up,” he grunted, as she felt his huge shaved balls brush against her face. This was another first for Cheyenne. No one had ever debased her in this way before, but again she did not feel revulsion…she felt excitement…deep down, filthy, dirty excitement at what she was capable of, but more importantly, what Brian was capable of. Carefully Brian dipped his swollen balls into her mouth, making sure to get them as wet as possible. They were too large to completely fit and the excess spilled out onto her nose. As he sat up a little, she began to lick the dangling sack as it swung back and forth over her mouth, unable to see the appendage, but instinctively aware of its proximity. She could smell the manly, musty smell of his cock and balls, and it was more intoxicating than anything she had previously experienced. Perhaps the blindfold was intensifying her senses, or perhaps she was merely discovering things about herself that she had previously never dared to even consider.

  Her hands instinctively reached around his thighs, and pulled his ass cheeks apart as she turned her attention from his glistening sack to his asshole. Timidly, at first she flicked her tongue tentatively across it, before becoming more confident and pressing her tongue hard and fast against the puckered skin. Brian’s body shivered and she could feel his balls bumping her chin as he lowered himself further onto her face and she picked up the pace further still. After what seemed like forever, Cheyenne felt Brian rise and when the pulse of the vibrator suddenly ceased, disappointment filled her as she thought she would go wild with unfulfilled longing. However, when his hand replaced the clip and began to work her swollen lips she could no longer hold back and the orgasm crashed through her in violent pulses that made her buck and moan uncontrollably.

  “Oh no you don’t baby…I’m not finished with you yet.” Brian said hoarsely.

  “What more can he do to torture my cunt,” she thought having barely recovered from her climax. Then she felt the head of his cock being forced effortlessly between her already wet and expectant lips and finally…FINALLY he began to pump his cock in and out of her dripping pussy.

  He rammed her wildly as she bucked against him. “Ohhhh you dirty bitch,” he exclaimed as she felt him pulse thick and imposing deep inside of her. His dirty talk excited her and as the final vestiges of her restraint fell in tatters around her, she called out her desires, practically screaming with longing.

  “Fuck me, please, fuck me! I need your cock so bad Brian!”

  Clinging to him desperately, she felt him thrust inside her and then pause and she thought that finally he had come…but, she was wrong.

  “Get on your knees,” he demanded and without question she did as she was told. Her knees were on the edge of the cushion as he pushed her head onto the couch. Her ass and pussy quivered high in the air just in front of him. Cheyenne heard him sink to his knees behind her and began to push back expectantly, hoping desperately to find his waiting manhood despite having no idea where it actually was. Brian had a perfect view of all she had to offer, yet instead of plunging into her, she felt him replace the clip and immediately the pulsing sensation coursed through her again. She whimpered out of desire as soon as he touched her but this was new…this stung…and it was as much of a turn on as everything else that he had subjected her to. “Do not make a noise,” he ordered as he began to slap her ass hard with the flat of his right hand. The vibrations spread deep as she felt his other hand move to her ass. Brian slapped her dripping pussy instead. He stood and swatted her cheek again. Cheyenne was excited that he was spanking her again and she secretly wished he would have done it harder. As though he could read her mind, his swats increased in severity. With her ass stinging and the vibrations spreading deep between her legs, she felt his other hand move across her ass cheek and his finger traced the valley of her ass crack. She sensed rather than felt his face come close as he breathed hard against her glowing skin and spat coarsely on her exposed asshole. Barely able to contain her expectation, his finger slid into her easily and after a minute he began to work it deeper.

  Cheyenne was sure that his cock would follow his finger and remembered from her previous anal experience, the feeling of being filled completely, but in a deeper sensitive and intense way. For a moment he stopped touching her completely, but soon she felt him slip into her and in no time his cock was ramming her pussy again. With each stroke her face pushed deeper into the cushion until she felt that if he didn’t come soon, she would surely suffocate.

  How many more times can I come? She thought as her body was yet again wracked with convulsions for the umpteenth time since Brian had begun this glorious tryst. This time however, Brian had no reserves left to call upon and with a final thrust he buried his dick inside her and threw back his head howling out his passion.

  Once he had pulled out, he presented his dripping cock for her to clean. She licked up and down the length before finally sucking it into her eager and waiting mouth. Brian removed the blindfold and the first thing she saw was his smiling face. Blushing with embarrassment, she cast her eyes down to avoid his gaze. Cheyenne was humiliated and surprised that she had enjoyed and responded eagerly to his treatment of her.

  “That was amazing,” Cheyenne said breathlessly. She had never experienced intimacy like this before.

  He seemed to have brought out in her every fantasy that she possessed but had always been too embarrassed to ask for. Brian pulled her to him, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. She snuggled into his embrace and slowly, blissfully, drifted off to sleep, all the while being held by the man of her dreams.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning found them both rested and in high spirits. Cheyenne felt like a new women after the evening she had with Brian. She had never known that sex could be so free and uninhibited. The feelings awakened in her were primitive and unfamiliar. From the first moment she had seen him, she felt an attraction, but now he was all she could think about. Knowing that she needed time away to think, she decided that she would finally visit Wingate Drilling.

  That should keep me out of this house for a while, she convinced herself.

  Brian walked into the dining room with a smile on his face. He had by no means been a stranger to excitement but he had never felt a thrill like he had last night. Taking Cheyenne in the way that he had, brought out desires that he had not known existed. He had always been an attentive lover, but had never taken control of a woman like Cheyenne Wingate before. He walked past her chair and his stomach flipped when she smiled up at him.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  He bent and kissed the top of her head.

  “I think I’m going to tour Wingate Drilling today,” Cheyenne stated as she took a bite of pineapple that had been dangling from her fork.

  “What brought this on,” Brian questioned with a knowing look. She could tell that he was wondering why today of all days she would choose to do this. His actions last night had given her confidence. It was a confidence she had clearly lacked when dealing with her new life and the pushy people in it. She finally had the self-assurance to handle Jason head on. Dealing with Jason would not be easy but she needed the distraction.

  “Would you like for me to go with you?” he questioned.

  “No, I need to do this on my own. I have a controlling interest in this company and they need to know that they are going to have to deal with me. I don’t think that showing up with a sexy detective on my arm would garner much respect for me,” she said with a gentle laugh in her voice. She rose from the table and straddled Brian’s lap. Sucki
ng his bottom lip into her mouth she sharply drug her tongue across it. A moan escaped his mouth and Cheyenne felt his cock growing against her exposed cunt. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her, showing the need that he had for her.

  “Can you save that for later, lover?” she asked. Without speaking, he nodded his head and kissed her again before she got up.

  Cheyenne Wingate was reinventing herself. She would walk through the doors of her company a changed woman. Never again would she know poverty or shame. She was beginning to understand that she had a legacy to live up to. Her father had left large boots to fill but she was sure she could overcome the challenge. Dressing in knee length fitted skirt and silk blouse, she rummaged in her growing closet for the perfect shoes to finish off the outfit. She picked out a pair of five inch black heels. Slipping them on her feet was like giving a warrior his sword. She felt powerful and desirable. A spray of Dior perfume finished off her prep and she walked downstairs, a bit wobbly at first but she soon got the hang of it. Brian’s jaw dropped when he saw her. She had went upstairs, a sexy delicate women and returned a daring goddess. He did not have to say a word, it was obvious that her presence had the desired effect. She could see the fire in his eyes as he looked upon the new Cheyenne and it turned her on. She felt a familiar flutter between her golden legs but she knew that would have to wait until later. She had plans for Detective Brian Russell that evening. Plans that would require him to be well rested and ready for anything. As she passed him he reached for her hand, “Cheyenne, you look amazing!”

  Instead of saying thank you, she leaned in and placed a light kiss on his lips. Traces of her red lipstick remained as she pulled away. She left him standing in the door, mouth open wondering what had just happened.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cheyenne pulled into the parking lot of Wingate Drilling. Her walk to the front door was a satisfying one, as every eye was on her. She had a commanding presence in her heels and she knew it. Strutting into the reception area, she noticed a young, semi attractive girls behind the desk. “Ma’am is there something I can help you with?” she questioned.

  “No, I think I can find my own way,” replied Cheyenne coolly. She strode into the door marked conference just in time to see the entire board of directors sitting with Jason.

  “Did you gentlemen forget to invite me to the party?” Cheyenne asked with a feigned southern drawl.

  The fury that crossed Jason’s face would have caused most people to withdraw, but not Cheyenne Wingate. She grew an inch as she pulled her shoulders back and stood taller.

  “Miss. Wingate, this is just a simple board meeting. I did not feel the need to bother you with menial details,” he declared.

  She walked to the chair that Jason sat in, “I believe this is the CEO’s seat and you don’t look like the CEO to me. Can you please take your seat at the end of the table?” she shamed him.

  Jason seemed irate but this was not the time or place for this discussion. He gathered his belongings and appearing humiliated, walked to the end of the table and sat.

  “Now then,” said Cheyenne, “Who would like to tell me what is going on?” The room sat in stunned silence. Finally, a young man in the corner spoke up.

  “This meeting is being held to discuss the possible stacking of a few of our rigs,” he shyly stated. To their shock and amazement she asked to see the rigs output and projection models. During her time at the ranch she had not entirely loafed her days away. While going through her father’s office she found material that she studied and memorized. Now, she would use what she had learned.

  “Why would you want to stack these rigs with projections like these,” she demanded. The same shy man spoke up again,

  “We are nearing our fiscal year end. If we stack these rigs now, we can boost our short term revenue.”

  Cheyenne could not believe what she was hearing. These men were trying to lay off sixty hard working men to satisfy their fourth quarter earnings projections. Of course the investors would be happy, but that was not the way Cheyenne wanted to run her business. She knew that it was morally wrong but in the back of her mind, wondered if it had legal implications as well.

  “I don’t know how my father ran this business but I can tell you this won’t be the way its run with my name on the door. These rigs will not be stacked, on top of being dishonest and immoral, it is also illegal.” she exclaimed. With that, she rose and walked toward the door. Just before she exited, she turned and said, “Mr. Turner, I want to see you in your office when you’re done here.”

  Cheyenne only had to wait a minute before he stormed in. “You could’ve warned me that you were coming, you made me look like a fool!” he screamed. She laughed at his temper tantrum. He walked behind his desk and sat.

  “I’m glad that I didn’t call first. I can’t believe you were going to allow that to happen. Hell, for all I know it was your idea,” she said as she as she paced, finally coming to a halt inches from the chair he sat in. Slowly, she leaned over until she was directly in front of his face. His cologne smelled nice but she could not afford to be distracted. She placed her palm on his chest and could feel his heart thundering out of control.

  “You and I need to have an understanding. There will be no more secret board meetings or underhanded stunts to sully this company’s reputation. I don’t know what you have up your sleeve but you need to knock it off. And, the next time you tell anyone I have slept with you I will cut your balls off,” she forcefully but quietly stated. Lingering inches from his face made her feel powerful but he wasn’t a worthy advisory. The almighty Jason Turner sat in his chair completely defeated for the moment.

  “I’ll be hiring a company to come in and audit the records here. I need to know what is going on and I know that I can’t depend on anyone here to tell me the truth. You will cooperate with the investigation or I will call in the authorities.”

  Without another word she turned and walked from the room.

  The drive home helped to calm Cheyenne. She felt alive. Completely alive for the first time in a long time. All of her senses felt on fire. Her body had been awakened by Brian and the feeling was intense. Putting Jason in his place had been exhilarating but she knew that by doing so, she had inadvertently drawn a proverbial line in the sand. She knew very little about running a business, much less a drilling business and Jason did own forty nine percent of the company. They would have to find a way to work together or her father’s good intentions would be doomed. She knew however that was easier said than done. The heated confrontation had caused a reaction in her body as well. Deep between her legs, she could feel the heat. It was small at first but soon gave way to an inferno. Reaching under her skirt she could feel the wetness beginning to spread to her outer lips. Regretting that she had not wore panties she could feel the moisture spreading down the valley between her cheeks and onto her skirt. “What did Brian do to me?” she thought as her temperature rose. Thankful for the hour long ride home, she hoped that she would have time to calm herself

  Cheyenne slowed as she finally reached her neighborhood. There were so many little shops and boutiques that caught her attention. One in particular captured her imagination. Angie’s Hair Loft, she read aloud. The idea of reinventing herself was novel. Her excitement grew as she pulled into the small gravel parking lot. The face of the building was brick and a small neon sign flashed open in the shape of scissors in the large window. Why not? I have not had a change in years.

  “Can I help you?” a tall blond asked from behind the comfort of her chair. Cheyenne noted that the woman’s hair was down the middle of her back and looked as though not a strand was out of place. The sun glared off of the blonde locks in such a way that made Cheyenne envious. Suddenly, she felt self conscious.

  “I’m not sure, this seemed like such a great idea from the highway,” Cheyenne admitted grudgingly. She desperately wanted to be the kind of woman who could make decisions without second guessing herself. It was so hard for her to pick a sid
e and stick with it.

  “I know just what you need.” Assured the woman as she introduced herself as Angie. “Sit down here and let’s get to work.”

  As Cheyenne sat, she felt a sudden surge of confidence course through her body. Work your magic, Miss Angie, she thought to herself as Angie picked up her comb and started the task of pleasing a woman who had no idea what she wanted. Two hours later, Angie turned Cheyenne’s chair around to reveal her work.

  “I love it!” Cheyenne gasped as she ran her hand through her trimmed locks. Angie had taken just enough off that Cheyenne’s already gorgeous hair now shined like a diamond. Her curls separated perfectly and cascaded around her shoulders as though they were giving her a much needed embrace.

  “Now if you will let me take care of those eyebrows, you will be perfect.” For the first time, Cheyenne looked in the mirror closely at her face. She had never taken much interest in the fine details of her appearance. Now that Angie had pointed out the flaw, Cheyenne would not rest until it was fixed. Cheyenne nodded her head in agreement and Angie got back to work. Around two o’clock, Cheyenne walked out of Angie’s Hair Loft feeling and looking like a new woman.

  Pulling the truck into its normal parking spot, she exited and darted to the house. Her feet were killing her from the monstrous heels she chose to wear. Before making it to the front door, she kicked the shoes off and walked the rest of the way in her bare feet, carrying the shoes that had caused her such grief. Cheyenne unlocked the door and walked inside to an apparent empty house. Going room to room searching for Brian turned out to be futile; he was nowhere to be found.